What people are saying.

  • Diane Boly, Boly:Welch

    — Amy Jeffers is an impressive, confident woman who uses her unique skills to raise others up to their fullest potential. Her training and leadership style is one of authenticity, dependability, willingness to speak the truth and take big risks. She has the rare ability to facilitate and lead a meeting with several strong personalities and also bring out the reticent voices. Her presentations are thoughtfully prepared so positive outcomes can be attained.

    Having witnessed her work first hand in my organization I would describe her impact as Inspiring...she makes those around her want to dig deeper and realize the strengths they have to offer - and the areas to acknowledge, own and improve. She leads with vulnerability and brings others along on their journey in partnership with her. Amy brings social justice work into reality and has taught me that the work is never done - even in my 70's I am inspired by her to keep growing and doing better!

  • Kevin Jarbo, Asst Professor// Carnegie Mellon University

    — The TTT program deepened my understanding of how the experience of discrimination and inequity has mental, emotional, and physical impacts on a person's ability to thrive in a workplace. The program's approach, rooted in research, totally quenched my thirst for nerding out about the science behind the neurology and psychology of equity and inclusion!

    Participating as both a trainee and co-facilitator provided a way for me to share my own experience and expertise with cohortmates who had similar goals of incorporating E&I-focused practices into their work and workplaces. Through connections with everyone from educators and HR professionals to marketing consultants and even dancers, I've learned to tailor my approach to facilitating E&I to a wider range of individuals, organizations, and institutions seeking to make systemic change.

    There aren't many training programs that offer content addressing E&I issues for people all the way up through policy, but the Flourish TTT program is as close as it gets to the total package!

  • Ana Sofia Pinho, EDI in Tech Organizer// Founder of Humankind Works

    — Joining the Train The Trainer program with Amy has brought me renewed hope, knowledge and support that I will use in my work inside and outside EDI initiatives. EDI work will continue to be hard, but these powerful frameworks will for sure make our work more kind and fruitful, and most importantly, create effective change. Learning all of this with an amazing group of people who, in their own way, are all helping build an equitable and inclusive society of the future, was just inspiring!

  • Korede Alabi, CFO

    — Amy Jeffers is dedicated to the goal of building a more culturally diverse, inclusive and pluralistic society. She is committed to the research, teaching, and practice it takes to build a more progressive multicultural environment. Throughout my 7+ years of knowing Amy, she has always understood that caring without action isn't caring. She has always wanted to raise the bar by not just jumping on the bandwagon but figuring out "why." She seeks a deeper understanding of motives and goals in order to recommend something aspirational for your business. Amy understands that you cannot have a cookie-cutter approach to D&I, it's not a one-size-fits-all situation. On of my favorite sayings from Amy is "mapping your privilege means recognizing that talent and potential are equally distributed, but opportunity is not." As a team member or leader, Amy earns my highest recommendation!

  • Crystal Sincoff, Senior Manager of Workplace Experience Diversity, Equity & Inclusion// Zapproved

    — I have brought this training to my team in the past and have found it to be powerful for all of us to learn and take actionable steps to nurture change in our teams. I am excited that I have the skills now to teach this training myself and am now certified to be a facilitator!

    There are a couple of things I love about the training. One, we were given access to some of the best leaders of equity and inclusion facilitation work in the industry. Not only did we have Amy Jeffers to support and lead us through the eight week course, but we also had Paloma Medina, Katie Augsburger and others there to provide feedback and share their knowledge.

    Also, the cohort model really drives this training's success. This allowed us to share and learn from each other. I've always thought that collective knowledge is the best tool for change. All of those in my cohort offered unique perspectives that helped me to be better and I hope I did the same for them.

    I highly recommend this training to anyone who wants the tools to be successful with equity and inclusion work at their organization.

  • Paul Brown, President// Cinder

    — Amy Jeffers is an experienced business leader, trainer, mentor, and community activist. She has unique insight into the common pitfalls of DEI work and how to maximize the likelihood of success. An avid networker, Amy’s compassion, ability to build rapport, and desire to uplift all marginalized voices enable her to build great relationships throughout the community and across industry. Amy is great at taking feedback, presenting new ideas, stepping back so others can step forward, and listening to understand. In every role that Amy has had in her career, former coworkers go out of their way to stay in contact with her – a true testament to the authentic relationships she builds. It has been a true joy to get to know Amy and see how she shows up in the community!

  • Elizabeth Stock, Executive Director// PDXWIT

    — Learning from leaders in the equity and inclusion space, and doing so alongside other insightful and intentional folks committed to systemic change was an invaluable experience. This training series provided the ideal combination of conceptual framework rooted in neuroscience and practical applications/implementation strategies. Hearing directly from brilliant practitioners and facilitators, including Paloma Medina and Amy Jeffers, was transformative and will be an experience I draw from for the rest of my career.